We've probably all found ourselves, at one time or another in our lives, wanting to lose someweight. Whether you're trying to take off some pounds gained during the holiday season,
preparing for a summer trip, or simply looking for a way to feel more fit and healthy, trying tolose weight is rarely a bad idea.
This is the most obvious starting point, yet one that is commonly overlooked. Most people, whenthey're trying to lose 10 pounds, think of things like cutting out junk food and avoiding snacks.
While this is no doubt important, it is not necessary to starve yourself if you're looking to lose 10
The most important things to consider in terms of your diet are balance and proportion. If youwant to lose 10 pounds for good, you're going to have to think in terms of your overall eatinghabits. By changing your eating habits permanently for the better, the weight you lose will staylost.
Your daily intake of food should include a well balanced proportion of protein, carbohydrates,and vegetables. Variety is the key to this. Ask yourself: can you name more than 3 vegetables
that you eat regularly and enjoy? Or more generally: how many different "meals" do you makefor yourself during an average week? Most people in answering these questions will realize thatthere's not as much variety to their diet as they may of thought.
When trying to lose 10 pounds, you also have to try to be in tune with your body as much aspossible. You probably don't realize, unless you think about it, how little you adhere to yourbody's needs. Most people eat roughly the same amount at the same time every day. While thisis convenient, it doesn't necessarily sync up with what you need. Ask yourself: are you alwayshungry when you eat? Do you stop eating when you're full, or do you eat all of whatever you'vemade?
These simple changes in dietary habits can work wonders, and render you goal of losing 10
pounds less daunting than it probably seems.
preparing for a summer trip, or simply looking for a way to feel more fit and healthy, trying tolose weight is rarely a bad idea.
This is the most obvious starting point, yet one that is commonly overlooked. Most people, whenthey're trying to lose 10 pounds, think of things like cutting out junk food and avoiding snacks.
While this is no doubt important, it is not necessary to starve yourself if you're looking to lose 10
The most important things to consider in terms of your diet are balance and proportion. If youwant to lose 10 pounds for good, you're going to have to think in terms of your overall eatinghabits. By changing your eating habits permanently for the better, the weight you lose will staylost.
Your daily intake of food should include a well balanced proportion of protein, carbohydrates,and vegetables. Variety is the key to this. Ask yourself: can you name more than 3 vegetables
that you eat regularly and enjoy? Or more generally: how many different "meals" do you makefor yourself during an average week? Most people in answering these questions will realize thatthere's not as much variety to their diet as they may of thought.
When trying to lose 10 pounds, you also have to try to be in tune with your body as much aspossible. You probably don't realize, unless you think about it, how little you adhere to yourbody's needs. Most people eat roughly the same amount at the same time every day. While thisis convenient, it doesn't necessarily sync up with what you need. Ask yourself: are you alwayshungry when you eat? Do you stop eating when you're full, or do you eat all of whatever you'vemade?
These simple changes in dietary habits can work wonders, and render you goal of losing 10
pounds less daunting than it probably seems.
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