Friday, 17 December 2010

Lose 10 Pounds By Getting Up Early

Weight gain can be a very slow process. For most people, it is a matter of one pound here, one
pound there, and the next thing you know you're 10 pounds heavier. This is why almost
everyone, at one point or another, will want to lose 10 pounds. To lose 10 pounds is very
realistic for almost everyone, and is achievable though some small changes in diet and by
exercising more. The vast majority of people, with their busy schedules, get little or no exercise,
so even a small bit of regular exercise should be able to achieve noticeable results. If we don't
have time to exercise a great deal, though, we're going to want to maximize the effectiveness of
the exercise we do get, and a great way to do that is by exercising in the morning.
There are two main reasons why you can more easily lose 10 pounds by exercising in the
morning. The first has to do with the fact that it is much easier to build into your daily routine.
One of the keys to losing weight by exercise is to do it regularly, which many people find
difficult: it's always hard to find time. So a great reason for exercising in the morning is that you'll
have very little distraction. In many ways, you are literally "making time" for the exercise by
starting your day earlier.
Now, in terms of your goal to lose 10 pounds, morning exercise will be more effective because
you will be burning calories from fat already in your system. This principle is based, of course,
on the idea that you don't eat before you exercise. The way you're going to lose 10 pounds is by
burning fat, and when you exercise your body normally burns both fat and carbohydrates. Now it
gets a little more complicated: your body's main and preferred energy source is carbohydrates,
so when you exercise you will (more or less) burn carbohydrates first, and then your body will
dip into its fat reserves.
Carbohydrates come from your meals, so when you exercise at a normal time of the day your
body will have plenty of carbohydrates to burn. In trying to lose 10 pounds, however, you're
hoping to burn fat. If you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, you're burning energy
at a time when your body's carbohydrate levels are the lowest, and therefore more fat will be
burned with the same amount of exercise. There have been studies that suggest over 250%
more fat is burned when you exercise in this state There is never any immediate way to lose 10 pounds - ultimately, losing weight requires smart
dietary decisions and a well thought out routine of exercise. By exercising in the morning,
however, you will be giving yourself a distinct advantage in that battle to lose 10 pounds - you
will be privy to not only a physiological advantage, but also the practical one of conducting your
exercise at the beginning of the day without distraction. .

Making Lifestyle Changes To Lose 10 Pounds

So you want to lose some weight. Almost all of us have felt this way at some time or another.
Maybe it's some holiday weight you want to work off, or maybe you've just decided that you
would feel and look better with a little less bulk. Whatever the reason, losing weight can
sometimes be difficult. It's often the case that you find yourself dealing with a very restrictive diet
that is difficult to stick to, or other inconveniences. You can avoid much of this, however, by
making some lifestyle changes that incorporate more healthy activities into your daily routine.
Although everyone will likely be tempted to try and lose their 10 pounds as quickly as possible,
unless you feel for some reason that this is absolutely necessary, it's better to take a long term
approach. If you want to lose 10 pounds quickly, it's likely that you're going to have to make a
restrictive and drastic diet change that will be hard to implement. This also means there's a
good chance you will simply put the weight back on when you diet is over, or when you
(inevitably) lapse from it.
A far better long term solution is making some lifestyle changes. Not only will this be an easier
way to lose 10 pounds, but those 10 pounds will stay lost. The reason that lifestyle changes are
an effective way to lose weight is that you don't have to alter your daily routine too much. Many
people find the exercise regimens and diet changes involved in quick weight loss unrealistic -
you never have enough hours in the day as it is, so it's hard to make more for exercise.
The best place to start in your attempt to lose 10 pounds is to look at things you do every day.
First and foremost for most people is going to work. Many people live close enough to their
employers to bike, but choose instead to drive. By biking to work you will not only be getting
exercise and working towards your goal of losing 10 pounds, you will be saving money and
doing a good thing for the environment. Try and think of other small changes in a similar vein:
take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk on your lunch break instead of sitting at your
desk. Although these chances may seem small and suspiciously convenient, they will go along
way towards losing weight.
The other more pro-active way to lose 10 pounds through a lifestyle change is to engage in
more athletic activities. Take up a sport, or go hiking on weekends. The beauty of this is that
these things are entirely recreational: you're having fun at the same time that you're losingweight. It's much easier and more enjoyable to commit to going on a hike every weekend or
playing tennis with a friend than it is to sit alone in gym: after all, there's a reason they call it
"work"ing out.
Lifestyle changes go a long way towards losing weight, and anyone who incorporates some of
the changes listed above should find themselves able to lose 10 pounds.

Thursday, 9 December 2010


Now you not only want to lose 10 pounds, you want those 10 pounds to stay lost, right? A way
to ensure success with keeping that weight off is to make some lifestyle changes.
Everyone becomes accustomed to their routines, and it's difficult to force changes on those
routines. One of the reasons many people fail with a task like losing 10 pounds is that it seems
to require too much discipline and work. While a certain amount of stick-to-itiveness is no doubt
necessary, you'll find it much easier to lose weight if you incorporate changes into your lifestyle.
A diet and exercise routine is almost certain to fail if it conflicts with your daily routines.
For example, if you live a reasonable distance from work, try biking instead of driving. What
you're doing here is incorporating exercise in to your normal routine: work is something you go
to every day anyway --all you're doing is changing the way you get there. Changing the way you
do something that you already do is far more convenient than starting something new, and
biking to work is much easier to incorporate into your lifestyle then going to the gym every day.
The same principle can be applied to your eating habits. Do you pack a lunch for work or eat
out? If you eat out, chances are you're going to be eating something less healthy than you
would make for yourself, and probably a larger portion as well. By getting up a little earlier each
morning and preparing your own lunch, you're not only saving money, but your incorporating a
healthy eating choice in your routine. This is much easier to do then having a list in your head
and constantly reminding yourself of what you can and can't eat.
Not only are lifestyle changes easier to enforce than hard and fast diet rules, they're also more
permanent. Simply look at your daily routine for places where you could incorporate a bit of
exercise: take the stairs instead of the elevator; walk instead of taking the bus. These changes
will not only make you lose weight, but you'll feel healthier and better without having to
constantly chastise yourself for breaking dieting "rules

Lose 10 Pounds By Jogging

For the vast majority of people, weight gain is a very slow, almost imperceptible process. Most
of us are familiar with the experience of stepping on a scale and wondering just where, exactly,
did those pounds come from. For most people, the weight comes from times in the past year
where they indulged. What happens is that you indulge for a week or two (vacation, Christmas)
and then go back to your normal lifestyle -- you do nothing to lose the weight. So these small
weight gains stay with you and build up over time. For this reason almost anyone would love to
lose 10 pounds at some point, and a great way to do so is by jogging.
Depending on who you talk to, jogging is considered the best exercise to lose weight. The
reason is because the high intensity of jogging burns a lot of calories. If you're looking to lose 10
pounds, there are a lot worse things you could try than a half-hour jog a few times a week.
Jogging is also preferable for many people because it incorporates exercise in a more
interesting way: trying to lose 10 pounds by going to the gym 3 times a week isn't a whole lot of
fun. It will certainly feel like "work" as you count off the minutes of your workout. Jogging, on the
other hand, requires nothing but a pair of shoes, and allows you to enjoy some scenery.
One of the problems people face when trying to lose 10 pounds is incorporating exercise into
their daily routines. Most of us are busy enough as it is, and can't find the time to go to the gym
at scheduled intervals. If you're trying to lose 10 pounds, you'll find that jogging is a much more
flexible activity - you don't have to drive to the gym: you can do it wherever and whenever you
While jogging is an excellent way to lose 10 pounds and increase your fitness level, you should
keep in mind that it is harder on the body then a lot of other physical activities. Jogging involves
lurching your full weight around repeatedly - this is precisely why it's such a good workout - and
this can cause stress on the joints in your knees and feet. You should also keep in mind that
jogging is an intense physical activity, so if you're starting from a very low level of fitness it may
be a little too much, and you may want to work up to it.
As long as you keep the above in mind though, you'll find jogging an excellent way to lose 10
pounds. As an added bonus, jogging is recognized as one of the best ways to maintain weight
as well, so you don't have to worry about a diet that gains all the weight back once it's stopped
And even though you may be jogging primarily to lose those 10 pounds, you'll also be doing
wonders for the health of your heart and cardiovascular system