Friday, 17 December 2010

Making Lifestyle Changes To Lose 10 Pounds

So you want to lose some weight. Almost all of us have felt this way at some time or another.
Maybe it's some holiday weight you want to work off, or maybe you've just decided that you
would feel and look better with a little less bulk. Whatever the reason, losing weight can
sometimes be difficult. It's often the case that you find yourself dealing with a very restrictive diet
that is difficult to stick to, or other inconveniences. You can avoid much of this, however, by
making some lifestyle changes that incorporate more healthy activities into your daily routine.
Although everyone will likely be tempted to try and lose their 10 pounds as quickly as possible,
unless you feel for some reason that this is absolutely necessary, it's better to take a long term
approach. If you want to lose 10 pounds quickly, it's likely that you're going to have to make a
restrictive and drastic diet change that will be hard to implement. This also means there's a
good chance you will simply put the weight back on when you diet is over, or when you
(inevitably) lapse from it.
A far better long term solution is making some lifestyle changes. Not only will this be an easier
way to lose 10 pounds, but those 10 pounds will stay lost. The reason that lifestyle changes are
an effective way to lose weight is that you don't have to alter your daily routine too much. Many
people find the exercise regimens and diet changes involved in quick weight loss unrealistic -
you never have enough hours in the day as it is, so it's hard to make more for exercise.
The best place to start in your attempt to lose 10 pounds is to look at things you do every day.
First and foremost for most people is going to work. Many people live close enough to their
employers to bike, but choose instead to drive. By biking to work you will not only be getting
exercise and working towards your goal of losing 10 pounds, you will be saving money and
doing a good thing for the environment. Try and think of other small changes in a similar vein:
take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk on your lunch break instead of sitting at your
desk. Although these chances may seem small and suspiciously convenient, they will go along
way towards losing weight.
The other more pro-active way to lose 10 pounds through a lifestyle change is to engage in
more athletic activities. Take up a sport, or go hiking on weekends. The beauty of this is that
these things are entirely recreational: you're having fun at the same time that you're losingweight. It's much easier and more enjoyable to commit to going on a hike every weekend or
playing tennis with a friend than it is to sit alone in gym: after all, there's a reason they call it
"work"ing out.
Lifestyle changes go a long way towards losing weight, and anyone who incorporates some of
the changes listed above should find themselves able to lose 10 pounds.

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